
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Do your local fast food places have bulletproof glass?

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  3. Do your local fast food places have bulletproof glass?
Vol2tex 4 days ago#1
tremain07 4 days ago#2
No, I live in a good neighborhood.
I got nothing
Cobra1010 4 days ago#3
holy shit, do places really get that bad in america?
(edited 4 days ago)reportquote
Sada_Pop 4 days ago#4
Not anymore.

I used to see those where I lived and it was a great neighborhood too.
People would have you believe that the accusation of racism is more offensive than ACTUAL racism.
Steelix500 4 days ago#5
Back home yeah
tremain07 4 days ago#6
Cobra1010 posted...
holy shit, do places really get that bad in america?

Only the shit ones usually run by democrats, for example every store and business still in Chicago has these.
I got nothing
MrOnionHead 4 days ago#7
No because people don't tend to get shot.
'being tolerant of someone doesn't instantly make them the chancellor of germany' - Fatso666
Vol2tex 4 days ago#8
DirkDiggles 4 days ago#9
The Popeye's by my work has bullet proof glass.
kingdrake2 4 days ago#10
MrOnionHead posted...
No because people don't tend to get shot.

it's very rare for something like this to happen in current town.
His hair cracks me up, It's like if vaudeville and feudal Japan did the fusion dance on his head - Yaridovich
Vol2tex 3 days ago#11
meestermj 3 days ago#12
Nah, I moved out of Michigan.
Psn: beastlytoast
Left-handed fire-slapsies leave me feeling confused about life. - Merydia
I've never seen bullet proof glass at a fast food joint. On the other hand, a bank near my grandmother's home was robbed at gun point and proceeded to get bullet proof glass.
Responsibility, respect, obligation, honor, the welfare of the community... all should adhere to these principles and apply them in all aspects of one's life.
Patchwork 3 days ago#14
PolishCockatiel posted...
I've never seen bullet proof glass at a fast food joint. On the other hand, a bank near my grandmother's home was robbed at gun point and proceeded to get bullet proof glass.

We have a little gas station that used to get robbed constantly. They installed it shortly after.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
Nomadic View  tear this gooby up3 days ago#15
I’ve never seen that, but I have been to a Taco Bell that had a giant yellow sign on the back door that read “DO NOT GO OUT THIS DOOR AFTER DARK. YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT!”

Did a google search and found it.
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(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
Irony 3 days ago#16
No, our windows aren't even rock proof.
I am Mogar, God of Irony and The Devourer of Topics.
Nomadic View  tear this gooby up3 days ago#17
lol @ the “now hiring” sign.
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(message deleted)
Vol2tex 3 days ago#19
Nomadic View posted...
lol @ the “now hiring” sign.

KillerSlaw 3 days ago#20
No, but I see them all the time on the way to work.
"Wait a minute...If I ever get a hold of you, I will thank you for showing me the futility of human endeavor."
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
16-BITTER 3 days ago#21
Cobra1010 posted...
holy shit, do places really get that bad in america?

Bad neighborhoods in big cities typically. I've personally seen them in Baltimore and Newark
The folks who know about frostiness stay frostiest the most.
tremain07 posted...
Cobra1010 posted...
holy shit, do places really get that bad in america?

Only the shit ones usually run by democrats, for example every store and business still in Chicago has these.

That's a load of shit. Some poorer neighborhoods do but the vast majority of Chicago does not have bulletproof glass. Nationalism is a malignant cancer
which must be carved out by the blade of individualism.
nevershine 3 days ago#23
Some of my gas stations do
"There are no men like me. There's only me."-Jaime Lannister
KillerSlaw 3 days ago#24
Grindcorp9000 posted...
Some poorer neighborhoods do but the vast majority of Chicago does not have bulletproof glass.

Honestly, almost every place I go to on the South and West side have these.
"Wait a minute...If I ever get a hold of you, I will thank you for showing me the futility of human endeavor."
LinksLiege 3 days ago#25
tremain07 posted...
No, I live in a good neighborhood.

Hell, I'm not even in a good neighborhood and this isn't a thing you see here.
This is LinksLiege's signature. It is fantastic.
(edited 3 days ago)reportquote
FL81 3 days ago#26
My roommate works for Domino's in a not-so-great part of town, but I've never heard of something like this

he did get a gun pulled on him a couple times though
Cobra1010 posted...
holy shit, do places really get that bad in america?

it's literally silent hill in detroit
No. I've only seen that once in my entire life
Stay woke.
Vol2tex 3 days ago#29
Feline_Heart posted...
No. I've only seen that once in my entire life

Hmm, where?
damn, that is legit sad
Dallas Cowboys : 5 - 5
Dallas Mavs : Dirk Nowitzki: 30, 260 points (6th all time) 1159 from Wilt
Dark_Spiret 3 days ago#31
i dont think iv ever actually seen one of those and i frequently work in flint and detroit.
Currently playing: Forza Horizon 3 - Dead Rising - Hitman
Dark_Spiret 3 days ago#32
i dont think iv ever actually seen one of those in person and i frequently work in flint and detroit.
Currently playing: Forza Horizon 3 - Dead Rising - Hitman
AmonAmarth 2 days ago#33
Cobra1010 posted...
do places really get that bad in america?
i7-4790@ 3.6GHZ | GA-Z97-HD3 | ASUS GTX 960 2GB | Samsung 850 EVO 250GB | 1TB HDD | CX750M | 12GB DDR3
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
AmonAmarth posted...
Cobra1010 posted...
do places really get that bad in america?

Lol. Imagine not living in America. Some places. Not many. Nationalism is a malignant cancer
which must be carved out by the blade of individualism.
chill02 2 days ago#35
tremain07 posted...
No, I live in a good neighborhood.
Ave, true to Caesar.
Kineth  BLM sympathizer2 days ago#36
I've never seen a fast food place have bulletproof glass. Also, I like how the topic subtlely called Domino's a fast food spot.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
Quite a few, a lot or corner stores too, obviously check cashing places. But Houston, so...
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
Offworlder1 2 days ago#38
tremain07 posted...
No, I live in a good neighborhood.
"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"
i've seen it in the worse areas of DT dallas, not where i live though
"That's not a character, that's a set of bondage gear that can cast Ice 2."
Vento Aureo 469
Kineth  BLM sympathizer2 days ago#40
Nightmare_Luna posted...
i've seen it in the worse areas of DT dallas, not where i live though

Who's getting fast food in downtown Dallas?
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
kingdrake2 2 days ago#41
FL81 posted...
My roommate works for Domino's in a not-so-great part of town, but I've never heard of something like this

he did get a gun pulled on him a couple times though

that's the worst scenario i would ever want to be in... always think life would end if the criminal shoots.
His hair cracks me up, It's like if vaudeville and feudal Japan did the fusion dance on his head - Yaridovich
Link HT 2 days ago#42
I've been at a few gas stations that do
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
ProfDE 2 days ago#44
Vol2tex 2 days ago#45
ProfDE posted...
I don't know of any places around my city that have bullet-proof glass.

Paper_Okami 2 days ago#46
Lol no
"Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism"- Emma Goldman
"Wimmy Wham Wham Wozzle!" -Slurms MacKenzie
Vol2tex 18 hours ago#47
The Papa John's I went to about 15 minutes away from this Domino's had even more bulletproof glass.
  1. Boards
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  3. Do your local fast food places have bulletproof glass?

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