
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Getting fucking sick of my morning manager and grill line(rant incoming)

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  3. Getting fucking sick of my morning manager and grill line(rant incoming)
Morning manager is too afraid to cut people and I get kept well past my outime pretty much anytime I am not the last one out of the morning crew even when it’s not busy. I don’t give a shit if it’s like 5-15 minutes of whatever but it gets stupid. 

She hides behind “outtimes are estimates. I could keep you four hours extra if I wanted to”

Yeah but just because you can doesn’t mean it’s right. Doing it too often is gonna drive your labor up and it’s straight up disrespectful to me particularly when you don’t say shit to me and than get annoyed when I inquire. Do it too often or under the wrong circumstances and eventually I will walk out or quit.

If you are gonna keep me when my outtime is approaching go “Hey pika I am gonna have to keep you for another hour or so today. Thanks for helping out”

If we suddenly get completely ass blasted by a gigantic crowd shortly before yeah nothing needs be said it’s implicit in the very circumstances that no one is going home right now(unless we are just THAT overstaffed or we already established an understanding that my outtime was ironclad that day because I had a funeral or it was a condition of me picking up a shift or something.

Don’t leave me in the lurch without good reason. Don’t disrespect my time. I come to work for the period indicated with a small margin of error being expected for the majority of shifts. Estimates are supposed to be close to the mark. If I got an estimate for a house that a construction company was building for me and they told me 100K and it ended it being 500K I would tell them to fuck off they can take the 100K or nothing.

Seriously a few weeks ago it was my outime. We had four tables, and zero carryouts. But three hosts and lunch was well over. And I was there for well over an hour extra and it was like that the whole time. Absolutely no reason. Straight up forgot about me.

Today we had six damn hosts/carryouts today. Normally we have four on a Saturday. They sent the guy who was LAST OUT home so he could come back to dish tank later but even with 5 we should’ve been able to manage just fine sending me home. Don’t screw over me to bail out the night crew without even so much as a “Hey I might need to keep you on a bit longer” 

Meanwhile grill line just is fucking ass at getting food out. The food itself is fine but it takes forever.

Also sick of every single damn guest being fucking stupid. They can’t figure out how a damn card machine works. Don’t any of you have basic problem solving skills and literacy?

For example No credit tip? Gee why don’t you hit “0” instead of staring blankly at me and asking me what to do. It’s as basic as it gets. 

*Comes to the unoccupied register that is blocked and says carryout instead of the register I am at that says “check out” * “Which one do I go to?”

“This one over here sir”

*no response*


“Why do I have to come over here.”

*slowly waddles over. Stops to look at bakery. Grabs and inspects. Doesn’t end up buying*

*transaction starts*

“Oh hold on let me get me coupon from the table”

*Imagines vaulting over the counter and chokeslamming their head into the floor*

It’s the teens and young adults too not just the seniors. You grew up with this shit. Your senses are intact. You have no damn excuse.
(edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
kingdrake2 1 hour ago#2
the disgruntled waiter FML.
I'm pretty much Stu from Rugrats making pudding at 4 in morning because I've lost control of my life - Polycosm
pikachupwnage 1 hour ago#4
kingdrake2 posted...
the disgruntled waiter FML.

Host. Not at a fancy place. It’s a chain. I am getting regular raises now and get a pretty solid amount of tips from counter, carryout etc. 

It’s manly mornings that suck. Afternoons and nights are fine.
(edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
Rikiaz 1 hour ago#5
pikachupwnage posted...
kingdrake2 posted...
the disgruntled waiter FML.


It’s manly mornings that suck. Afternoons and nights are fine.

All of the hosts at my restaurant are 100% incompetent babies that cry that their job is so hard when it's by far the easiest position in the building. But that's just the restaurant that I work at.
From the depths, the thing they called Worm King did rise.
Nirn itself did scream in the Mages' and Necromancers' war.
If you’re a waiter it’s up to you to find work at busy enough restaurants where you can get reliable streams of tip income to make up for shit like that. Having to work shit hours is part of being a waiter or really anyone who mostly makes their money off tips. A lot of people can make that a lifelong career if they know how to play the game right. If you’re ranting like this...maybe you need to find a different line of work. But hey, at least you don’t get drug tested.

Edit - oh you’re a host? Jesus, you’re not even entitled to rants. At least be a waiter or stfu.
I am basically am I. Well, basically.
(edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
ModLogic 1 hour ago#7
masticatingman posted...
. A lot of people can make that a lifelong career if they know how to play the game right.

time to take a few lessons in how to scam tips from gullible or insecure tip culture consumers
kingdrake2 1 hour ago#8
it's both the same but others will say they're not.
I'm pretty much Stu from Rugrats making pudding at 4 in morning because I've lost control of my life - Polycosm
pikachupwnage 57 minutes ago#9
Rikiaz posted...
pikachupwnage posted...
kingdrake2 posted...
 show hidden quote(s)


It’s manly mornings that suck. Afternoons and nights are fine.

All of the hosts at my restaurant are 100% incompetent babies that cry that their job is so hard when it's by far the easiest position in the building. But that's just the restaurant that I work at.

It depends strongly. I have a lot of young idiots and spend plenty of time fixing their shit. 

At my place hosts are responsible for 

Sitting/greeting(and related stuff like moving tables, bringing over high chairs etc.)
Prepping kids packs(paper menus you fold up and put crayons and a straw in) 
Cleaning the foyer and lobby
Cleaning and maintaining bathrooms 
Stocking retail/bakery 
Rolling silverware
Counter(Dependent on time of day/day and circumstances) 
Various daily/as needed or weekly cleaning tasks(High chairs, cleaning garbage from the yard, doors, ceiling fans, etc.) 
Suggesting/up selling and informing guests of certain promotions, items or issues
Asssiting with needs/wants and answering questions from any guest

Holding doors, helping servers take food to tables, and teamwork in general are expected or highly encouraged,

And also we are expected to answer the phone and assist with carryout as needed(we 
are a fairly high volume store in carryout so this can make up a significant chunk of a hosts time even with a dedicated carryout person on shift) Technically we aren’t supposed to bus(from corporate) but it tends to end up being are partly/mostly our job anyways(mainly in mornings) Cutting bread is technically kitchen but we end up doing that a lot too anyways. I not uncommonly setup a table(drinks, silver and such or even take the whole order) or straight up take a table if circumstances require it. 

It all depends on what responsibilities the hosts have and staffing of course, and what the kitchen/servers and such are like. Some servers are colossal babies too and really make my job hard. Guests can be really damn rude, inconsiderate and demanding. 

Our place doesn’t have a dedicated busser(with one exception and that one barely even counts) Servers are expected to clear their own tables and technically corporate doesn't want hosts bussing if all possible. Of course I say fuck it and do it when practical and reasonable but damn if I am the sitter and a server is lazy and doesn’t clear the table or half asses it it really fucks me hard.

The job should generally be easy, but incompetence/poor work ethic from several other hosts, some of the servers, some of the back of the house and guests, as well as staffing and equipment issues(our software for orders and cashing out is straight trash.) often make it hard more often than it needs to be. And some corporate BS.

I am not flawless in this. I do tend to be a bit absent minded for example and sometimes make extra work for myself that way at bad times.
(edited 44 minutes ago)reportquote
  1. Boards
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  3. Getting fucking sick of my morning manager and grill line(rant incoming)

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